
Players Celebrated Chief Umpire Carten Koch’s Birthday at the Welcome Dinner

Players Celebrated Chief Umpire Carten Koch’s Birthday at the Welcome Dinner

Players Celebrated Chief Umpire Carten Koch’s Birthday at the Welcome Dinner


Players gathered at the Welcome Dinner of YONEX-SUNRISE Hong Kong Open Badminton Championships 2015 to celebrate tournament referee Mr. Carsten Koch’s birthday last night.

YONEX-SUNRISE Hong Kong Open Badminton Championships 2015 has started the first day of competition yesterday. After all qualifying round competitions were completed, over 260 players from worldwide were invited to attend the welcome dinner at Harbour Plaza Metropolis. It was the birthday of the Germany referee Mr. Carsten Koch’s birthday. A birthday cake was prepared for the celebration. Dr Tong Yun Kai SBS, MBE, DBA and Mr. Tong Wai Lun, MH, JP, President and Chairman of Hong Kong Badminton Association led all the guests to sing the birthday song at the end of the dinner.